As the old African proverb says, "It takes a village to raise a child." One could imagine then that it would take a community to raise a school. We can't rely on local, state, or federal governments to take ownership of the issues we face locally. We need to work as a community to nurture our schools for our particular community needs.
Great examples of school/community partnerships are happening all over the world. We need more of them, and we need to ensure they are healthy and relevant to the needs of 21st-century learners. To lift up and raise our schools to a place that suits all 21st-century learners, help needs to come from many parts of the community. The leading roles should be alternated according to the need and focus of the particular aspect of the transformation project.
If we respect each other and acknowledge our unique contributions, we can move forward quickly in a positive environment where we can all be teachers and learners.
Reinventing school can mean lots of things such as redesigning classrooms, creating a community garden, creating an open and shared learning space, designing a course, and changing the way students participate in decision making, you name it!
We are involved in the below communities and proud to be.
Raising the Bar
Raising the Bar is a quality initiative designed to enhance quality care in child care and early years programs. The presence of a Raising the Bar certificate and window cling is a sign that the program is committed to maintaining provincial regulatory standards as well as local community standards.
Peel Inclusion Resource Services (PIRS)
Peel Inclusion Resource Services (PIRS) is a partnership between special needs resourcing programs and licensed child care providers that offer services to families and children before they start school..
Charities we support
There are likely many positive aspects to the promotion of charities in schools. It can be argued that charitable activities are important to develop a sense of citizenship – in terms of individual engagement, participation in collective school activities, and engendering a broader sense of social responsibility. It also reminds us that charitable organizations are filling in for individual acts of charity that we cannot perform ourselves. By pointing out the power and pitfalls of imagination, it helps us to navigate the complexities of the charitable encounter and to know when to step back and let a responsive and realistic charity sector carry out its work.
Toys For Tots (Canada) is a Canadian charity based on local partnerships between Canadian Armed Forces, businesses, and a concerned citizenry whose sole focus as an organization is to provide toys for children who are in need. We work to address and prevent specific problems faced by families and their supporting charity organizations by providing toys to children who would otherwise go without during a major religious holiday and providing toys throughout the calendar year to local emergency and social agencies to distribute to children during catastrophic circumstances.